If plants are our teachers, what are their lessons, and how might we become better students?

Robin Wall Kimmerer, Mishkos Kenomagwen: The Teachings of Grass | Bioneers

Upcoming Events

I will present The Paradox of Invasives talk Dignify the Vilified: Weaving Experiments with Broom workshop. You can register here.

I will present The Paradox of Invasives at the Made in Canada: Sustainable Fibre Arts Conference 2024. The Conference will take place from September 19 to 23, 2024, in Gros Morne National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. You can register here.

You can read my article about invasive species in the CV Collective Magazine here.

Past Events

In collaboration with the Cumberland Forest Society, I offered Weaving with the Unwanted: Decolonizing the Land through Stewardship (…and Restoring Kinship in this Process), on Sunday, April 21, from 10 am to 4 pm.

In Ucluelet hosted by Redd Fish Restoration Society:

How might we form interconnected land-based identities, a sacred relationship to the earth and ecological intelligence?

Human faces are so different and you can recognize so many of them. If you can do the same with plants, they can become your friends.

Nancy Turner, Ethnobotanist

Past Posts

Remote Artist Residency with the Conservation Council of New Brunswick

See here the work resulting from a remote artist residency I have been leading as part of the From Harm to Harmony: Healing the Land, Healing Ourselves. We are presenting a group exhibition at Sunbury Shores Arts and Nature Centre. Read more about this project here.

Art for Social Change National Gathering

Watch me talk about my art and climate activism work at the Art For Social Change Now National Gathering here.

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Fall 2021 Workshops: Weaving with Weeds

See here the Foraging Fibre and Basketmaking workshop we led with Botanist and Master Weaver Ralph Simpson.

See here a Summary of the Art, Ecology and Community Summer 2021 Workshop Series at the Innisfree farm.

Bracelets made out of birch and maple tree barks.

How might we reciprocate the gifts of the earth?

Image: Colombian cacao (Theobroma cacao) as an offering of gratitude after harvesting invasive Bindweed/Morning Glory (Convolvulus arvensis) for weaving.

What is a weed? A plant whose virtues have never been discovered.


Contact Me
